Black Sox is looking for new players

The sport is baseball, team is based in Turku, and the league is Fat Lizard League. The team has 29 members and there are 0 upcoming matches or practices in the calendar.

Baseball in Turku - Black Sox baseball.

Tervetuloa kokeilemaan baseballia. Olemme 2010 perustettu baseball joukkue ja pelaamme Fat Lizard Leaguessa

Haemme uusia kasvoja joukkoomme. Ilmoittautumiset joukkueisiin 2022-2023 ovat auki - lainavarusteet löytyy seuralta.

We're looking for new recruits - try-out sessions without commitment - no experience or equipment needed - we have everything.

Sign up for 2022-2023 team :

Erkka Tuominiemi

Tomi Rantamo p. 0401954898

Welcome to the team. These pages were last used 17 days ago. See game times on the team calendar and see more at team's home page. Are you a player? Join this team!
  Look at more recruitment ads in team recruitment ads.
Black Sox: kokoonpano